Yes, please submit an official clarification. Otherwise, it is not official and technically can't be confirmed as true. Assumptions are bad! [That said, I actually have no clue how a letter went missing...]chaoticevil42 wrote:I'm thinking (and hoping, since I've already done a bunch of work under that assumption) that's probably it. I'll report it when the rules clarifications open up October 1st and we'll see for sure.Adi1008 wrote:I think it's supposed to be SN 2014J; "SN 2014" is a typo.chaoticevil42 wrote:Hey guys, I've been working on the DSO list this year and I've got a clarification question. DSO vi. on the list is SN2014, but there are 136 CBAT supernovae using that designation. I think the rules intend SN2014J, which was the brightest supernova of the year, but it doesn't specify.
If any of y'all know anything I'd appreciate it a ton
(usual disclaimer: this is not an official clarification)
Sidebar: The DSOs this year are way cooler and more recent than they've been the past few years.
Also, to be fair about DSOs...just a few years ago we had exoplanets, which obviously had a ton of recently (like, really, not 100 yrs ago) discovered objects! The "old" DSOs are cool too!