Scioly Assassination 165: Camp Scioly

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Re: Scioly Assassination 165: Camp Scioly

Post by sc95837 »

I protect Kalimantan28 because they have fire associated with their username, there is pizza and potato reference, both of which are baked and they go to Baker Middle school
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Re: Scioly Assassination 165: Camp Scioly

Post by Assassinator »

B calls repeatedly for help, but all of the campers and staff are fast asleep in their cabins. The fire continues raging, slowly burning B into a crisp.

WiseGuy is now dead. The next clue will be posted on August 13 at 00:00 UTC.
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Re: Scioly Assassination 165: Camp Scioly

Post by Assassinator »

“We are going hiking through the woods today,” exclaims the camp counselor.

“Before I dismiss you into hiking groups, I would like to explain some safety precautions and trail information. Stay on the paved trail at all times, don’t feed any animals you see, don’t eat any unknown plants, watch your step, and stay in the group. If you see anything suspicious please notify your group leader immediately. Make sure to wear a hat and sunglasses, and put on a load of bug spray. Don’t forget to pack some snacks and water. Restrooms will be located on trail marker numbers 34 and 15. Most importantly, have fun!”

C trudges uphill after their hiking group, panting. “Can we…please…stop…for…a water break…”, they manage to speak in between heavy breaths. Their leader does not hear, continuing to trek upwards.

C pulls out their water bottle, too tired to notice their group has moved on. They take a few gulps and lean back on a massive rock, closing their eyes in a few moments of relief.

But perhaps C leans back a bit too hard… Because the next thing they know, the rock is tumbling downhill, carrying C with it. They roll into a barren valley, where C desperately tries calling for help. “Hello? Anyone here?”

No reply. C tries again.

They hear something, but it is not a human voice. Rather, it is a snarl, coming from…


The large black wolf whips its massive head around, baring its hideous fangs at C. From behind the rocks, more wolves emerge, circling C. C initially plans to run, but moments later they are completely surrounded.

The kill will take place on August 15 at 00:00 UTC.
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Re: Scioly Assassination 165: Camp Scioly

Post by sc95837 »

imo "barren valley" feels sus, because why would a valley be barren? Apparently that's a dungeon in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, so the target might be jasp or me, but I'm not sure
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Re: Scioly Assassination 165: Camp Scioly

Post by Thiamazole »

I protect MJHowler because wolves howl and MJ is also 15 years old, referenced by the trail markers.
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Re: Scioly Assassination 165: Camp Scioly

Post by Assassinator »

C picks up a sharp stone lying on the valley floor and chucks it at the wolf's head. The stone cuts across the wolf's forehead, causing it to howl in pain as it falls. C continues to hurl rocks at the remaining wolves, and while they are all immobilized on the ground, C makes a run for it.

MJhowler has been successfully protected. The next clue will be posted August 17 at 00:00 UTC.
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Re: Scioly Assassination 165: Camp Scioly

Post by Assassinator »

After the exciting hike in the morning, D decides to take a nap. They stumble into a clearing behind the cabins and lie down on the grass, enjoying the peaceful moment. The sounds of birdsong and cicadas fill the pleasantly warm air. A few feet from D, a glimmer of golden sunlight dapples the ripe, juicy fruits of what resembles a blueberry bush. They lazily reach for one berry, popping it in their mouth. It bursts open with sweet juice – much sweeter and irresistible than a normal blueberry. D grabs more berries and eats them, ignoring the sudden dizziness. After eating almost the entire bush’s berries, they no longer feel sleepy and wander around, reaching a nearby lake. Being intoxicated by the berries, D fails to realize there even is a lake and wades right in, becoming farther and farther from the shore.
At this point, D’s feet no longer reach the bottom of the lake. Waves crash over their head. They helplessly fight against the water. Dozens of trout brush against their legs, disturbed by the sudden movements in water.
Water begins to fill D’s lungs as they violently cough. As they start to lose consciousness, they see a stag drinking from the lake. It looks up for a moment, locking eyes with D – and then they black out.

The kill will happen on August 19 at 00:00 UTC.
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Re: Scioly Assassination 165: Camp Scioly

Post by Thiamazole »

yo whats up its [redacted] again

I choose to protect Kalimantan28/Midfloat because the victim (D) is drowning, and his name is Midfloat, possibly meaning that he is mid at floating. Another reason is that the clue mentions blueberries, and in Midfloat’s discord bio, it says “GO BLUE/UMICH”. Lastly, Midfloat also does the event Crave the Wave, which we believe has something to do with the victim because the clue says “waves crash over their head.” thats it i guess
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Re: Scioly Assassination 165: Camp Scioly

Post by Assassinator »

D drowns and sinks to the bottom of the lake. Their body is left for the fish to scavenge.

BlueRobin is now dead. The next clue will be posted on August 21 at 00:00 UTC.
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Re: Scioly Assassination 165: Camp Scioly

Post by Assassinator »

“Bring out your telescopes and binoculars,” exclaims the camp counselor. “Tonight is the perfect night for some stargazing! It’s clear and there is a new moon, meaning there should be an amazing view! Remember to add a red light filter to your light sources to minimize light pollution, and don’t stay up too late!”

E sits on their blue and gold blanket, scanning the night sky with their binoculars. They spot the Big Dipper and Polaris, amongst other stars. The Milky Way stretches across the darkness, unobscured by any light pollution. Truly, it was a gorgeous sight…

It is 1:32 AM. Before they even realize it, E is fast asleep on the blanket, binoculars on the grass next to them.

Something wails eerily in the distance, as clouds roll in and block out the stars. A flock of alarmed birds fills the sky, rattling the tree branches as they flew off one by one. A single flash of lightning illuminates the darkness, followed by a clap of thunder that rattles the ground. E remains on the blanket, unaware of the incoming storm.

Lightning strikes a tree near where E is lying. The tree immediately bursts into flame and begins to topple, falling right where E is.

Perhaps the fierce winds would alter the trajectory of the falling tree, perhaps not.

The kill will occur on August 23 at 00:00 UTC.
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