There is one catch, though. The campgrounds are…haunted.
Welcome to Assassinator game #165.
1) This is a standard Assassinator game, meaning there will be one (1) Assassinator.
2) Please post official accusations and protections on this thread only.
3) Only one officer may post or protect per clue.
4) The number of kills for the Assassinator to win is 6, but this number goes down with each incorrect accusation.
5) Incorrect accusations will be killed.
6) A clue about who will be killed will be given roughly every two days.
7) There may be hints revealing Assassinator’s identity. Which ones point to Assassinator? That is up to you to decide.
8) Dead people may not help solve clues.
Below is an officer clue. The first four (4) people to message me on either the Forums or the Discord will become officers.
While you are sitting on the bus going to the campgrounds, your mother sends a text message:
Interesting message. Clearly it isn’t English… could you figure out what she is trying to say?JSBR GIM SY YJR VSZQ! DYSU DSGR.