The ship was a few hundred yards from shore when thenerdicat was shoved into the ocean by a nameless bird that had stowed away on the ship all the way from Cabo San Lucas; SilverBreeze said it might've been a San Lucas Robin, but that it flew too quickly to tell.
She was thirty feet from shore when a Moray Eel grabbed onto her right leg. It was the end...
But then, out of nowhere, Sapphire came down in a plane and pulled her the remaining distance, up over the sand and onto a patch of lawn (bruh these new yorkers with their beachside lawns). The Moray Eel's grip loosened as it slowly asphyxiated, and then Nerdi was once more, out to carry on her crusade against Paulownias.
She has slain the Eel of Moray
And laid it on the green!
The bird landed on the carcass of the eel when Kalimantan28 caught up with it. Careful observation through binoculars and, later, a weapon-grade camera confirmed the ID. The troublemaker none other than sc95837, who was subsequently placed into bird gaol (the Bronx Zoo) by the local authorities after Kalimantan28 called Animal Control.
thenerdicat has been protected. sc95837 has been successfully accused. sc95837 was the Assassinator.
(I'm using both of their usernames even though Sapphire was first for both because it sounds more fun that way with two separate characters)
The clue-doc is attached here: ... sp=sharing
At the moment it just has solutions. I'm debating on whether to add the clues or not.
BWhat do they all have the same of?
AThe Lady died with him but was not born until long after, in 1954.
Correction: A + B + [space] + [Two letters, both uppercase]
If the Lady were real, she would not have died 362 years before she was born.