My money is on shrey for sassy and nerdi for victim. Nerdi goes to a school that ends in TON and only a few people know about that and shrey I believe is one of them? No offense to any of y’all
uhh discord recap?
Jasp: brought up the hidden text under clue A, the hidden text says What grows from that [ILLEGIBLE] phenomenon in hundreds of years is the Answer!
Couch: kinda doxxed nerdi, whoopie
Nerdi: maybe the Harry Potter or HP reference refers to my hyper fixation coz i reference that a lot
Nerdi: very few people know the school that I go to so it’s probably someone close to me that’s the sassy
Lmn: sassy going mad in dms coz apparently we r close
Venom: moneys on shrey
There’s a couple more things that happened but you can get the official discord recap er for that or check the discord or dm couch or something.
Officers, I ask you to protect NERDI and accuse SHREY