Etiwanda High School '19 University of California, Riverside, B.S., Biochemistry '23
Southern California Science Olympiad Alumni
Mathematics Connoisseur
Most certainly, I would go insane if I couldn't get out. Although, I've only been out of the state 2 or 3 times in the past month, which is a little low.
TPBM has put their finger in a live light socket. Any light socket will work, it doesn't have to be a big one. I may or may not've put my finger in a nightlight socket to see if it was on many years ago... I've also used a wet finger to short the leads of a broken incandesant Christmas light bulb to see if it was the only thing wrong with the strand. In the rain, while standing on wet leaves in wet shoes.
John 5:46-47 Eagle Scout Colorado School of Mines
"[A] new project car is always a good idea. [Y]ou always need a new project car[.]" - jaspattack