456: Randomly accuse people of being the sassy after accusing causes the death of the accused. Run around with whatever is used to kill the accused and be an absolute idiot
18-19- A&P-2nd R, 1st S Boomi- 2nd R 2nd S Game On- 4th R 2nd S
19-20- A&P-1st R Boomi-1st R Game On- 1st R
20-21-Same events as ^ xd http://moskaushrine18842.000webhostapp.com/ Team Song at its finest >:3
460: START the breadstick battle by trying to protect someone from the sassy, then spectate what happens while thinking about your life choices.
18-19- A&P-2nd R, 1st S Boomi- 2nd R 2nd S Game On- 4th R 2nd S
19-20- A&P-1st R Boomi-1st R Game On- 1st R
20-21-Same events as ^ xd http://moskaushrine18842.000webhostapp.com/ Team Song at its finest >:3
463: Replace every breadstick in every box with a breadboard.
464: Hold a breadboard battle and somehow short 20 LEDs.
465: Accuse the breadboards of inferiority to normal breadsticks as a battle weapon.
466: Eat the breadboards. All of them. Frozen.
Troy SciOly 2019 - 2023
Captain 2021-2023
Former Events: Ecology, Water Quality, Green Gen, Ornithology, Forestry, Disease Detectives, Forensics, Chem Lab, Env Chem, Sounds, Dynamic Planet, Crime Busters, Potions & Poisons, Exp Design, Towers, Mystery Arch, Reach for the Stars, Mission Possible