Scioly Assassination 137: Checkmate
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Re: Scioly Assassination 137: Checkmate
Before I start this, I must note that pb5754[] is dead, but DatSciolyBoi is safe.
I'll make another post on the sigs, but this one is already long.
I'll make another post on the sigs, but this one is already long.
I began this game using an actual chessboard, but gave up on playing out the game later when I lost full access to wifi. Single pawns didn't directly correspond to any one person, though, just to non-officers.Assassinator wrote: Clue: 1
Target: MadCow2357
Correctly protected by: lindsmaurer
Without further ado, I present your first clue:
iN a GAme of chesS
We muSt fIRsT
...With the move of a piece. I made my move, and you made yours. And already one of your pieces is in danger. What a rookie mistake.
Let me run and grab some bacon though. Go ahead and make your move, I’m just hungry.
Actually, I’d prefer some steak. Don’t get angry though, I’ll make my move soon... 48 hours. tick tock.
This clue was fairly simple: a baconian cipher with the uppercase and lowercase letters spelling out "MADCOW", but I screwed it up slightly and had to go back and fix it, giving it away. "bacon" was a reference to the cipher, and "steak" to a cow, while "angry" was a clue to mad.
Assassinator wrote: Clue: 2
Targets: jaggie34 and Here
Correctly protected by: jaggie34; no one protected Here
You captured my pawn. Good job, otherwise you would’ve lost yours. MadCow2357 is safe… for now.
There’s a piece in danger for you after the move I made. Two pieces, actually. For this clue, officers each have two protects. If you only protect one person, I will kill the other. If you protect neither, then I’ll kill whichever one I feel like killing.
Innate skill isn’t eNough, Atention skills are imporTant, or yOu will not win this match. woRk Together, you’ll need to, or else you will lOse.
There’s a lot of butterflies flying around in here… I think my friend Mick might be able to get rid of them.
"INATORTO" was capitalized. The definition for the word "here" is "In, at, or to this place or position". With a couple searches, you can find evidence for this being the case. "Mick" was alluding to Mick Jagger, and "Jagger" is similar to "jaggie". Finally, a common butterfly is the monarch butterfly, and I was targeting the king and queen. My misspelling of attention was an accident at first, and then I decided to leave it as a pun and a bit of a red herring, and because changing it would, well, draw attention.
Assassinator wrote: Clue: 3
Target: TheChiScientist
Correctly protected by: jaggie34
My bishop nearly kills jaggie34, but Here jumps in front of him and is killed instead. One officer down, 4 to go, but I need to remember that this highly unusual game doesn't necessarily end once I kill the king.
Two pieces are in danger again, but I'm only aiming for one this time. I take a moment to ponder chess itself. What an interesting game, played on a bunch of squares in a squared pattern. My next move is crystal clear to me, and I wonder if everyone else knows what it will be yet.
In the first part of this I was just hinting that I still needed to kill the officers or 15 people to win. In the actual clue, "crystal" was a clue to TCS's school, and "squared" was a reference to chi squared.
Assassinator wrote: Clue: 4
Target: irisvirus
Correctly protected by: jaggie34
TheChiScientist is in danger, but is saved when jaggie34 notices the issue. My bishop is taken by your bishop. I've made my next move now...
It was very clever of you to figure out my last clue. Maybe you can figure out my next one... It's really amazing how the piece in danger happens to be a not completely horrible player. Oh yeah, I'm making all of the moves. I'd feel bad for threatening this piece, but I want to play this game... and I want to win. I'll tell you this: the piece I'm attacking may allow us to unlock the next stage of the game.
The purple was a hint to the color of the iris flower, and the letters were encrypted with the vigenere cipher with the key "pawn" to say "germanica", the species name of the iris flower. The "not completely horrible" part was partially to get the letters I needed and partially to note that Iris had figured out a lot of the wordplay that had gone over everyone else's heads. The piece I was attacking was a pawn, and since that was the key, it "unlocked" the clue.
The guilt was a small ID clue, since Iris is a good friend of mine, which you wouldn't have known unless you noted that we went to the same school, but I figured I'd slip it in there. Later, Iris and I chatted about how we were friends in a few posts, but no one remembered this clue.
Assassinator wrote: Clue: 5
Target: Arpitr20
Correctly protected by:
Your pawn took my pawn. irisvirus is safe... at least for now.
The room is so quiet you could hear a needle drop. Arbitrarily, I glance out the window, seeing the pine trees, and hope that I can finally take another piece... maybe, just maybe, this'll be possible to win.
Arpitr20 (now ESboi) lives in Washington. Needle = Space Needle = Seattle, and the first part of "arbitrarily" sounds like "Arpitr". Also, the state tree of Washington is the pine tree.
Assassinator wrote: Clue: 6
Target: TheChiScientist
Correctly protected by: TheChiScientist
Arpitr20 is in imminent danger. Suddenly, DatSciolyBoi notices that something is up and the pawn that is currently Arpitr20 takes one of my pawns, missing the obvious move, however.
Danger still lurks... and so does my victory. Here's a neat little puzzle:
I had fun with this one. First, you had to fix the code, and then figure out what letters you changed, to spell the "TheChiScientist". I targeted TCS again because I was still playing the moves out on a chessboard at this point.Code: Select all
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <p>This is dangerous for you</p> <p>I might... just... win if you aren't careful</p> <srong>don't let anything get past you</srong> <1> and don't let your focus waver </1> <dl>and don't win (since I want to)</dl> <p style="text-color:adetblue">at all</p> <2>this code hides the clue</2> <dv> <h1> if you can make it work </h1> </dv> <form action="/action_page.php" method="get"> <input list="pieces" name="pieces"> <datalit id="pieces"> <option value="Pawn"> <option value="King"> <option value="Bishop"> <option value="Knight"> <option value="Rook"> </datalit> <input type="submit"> </form> <seton> <h1> but this is a jumble </h1> </seton> <hader> <h1> of poorly </h1> <h2> formatted </h2> <p>code, with no comments anywhere </p> </hader> <butto type="button">So if you want to win, don't click here...</butto> <deails> <p> or here</p> </deails> <ul> <l>or here</l> <li>or here</li> <li> or here....... </li> </ul> <p>because <ub>you just have to work it out</ub></p> <buton type="button"> have fun! </buton> </html>
Assassinator wrote: Clue: 7
Target: Things2do:
Correctly protected by: TheChiScientist
You manage to block my queen's attack on TheChiScientist. That is... unfortunate.
I hate spiders
I'm targeting someone again, which is obvious. The question for you is who? I'll be back once you make your move.
I'm busy, so I've got stuff to get done, bye
(I changed the size on the I hate spiders back to normal) Things2do's pfp is a spider. If I hated spiders, I'd try to kill them. Additionally, "stuff to get done" = Things2do.
Assassinator wrote: Clue: 8
Target: lindsmaurer
Correctly protected by: lindsmaurer
Things2Do is saved, but you didn't manage to take a piece this time, unfortunately.
Breaking the rules of chess, I yeet one of your pawns across the chessboard so that I can target people properly. It's still in a decent place, I promise... You're on the road to success. It's a little odd that I'm breaking the normal rules, I know, but I'm just trying to keep this game even, so that I don't fall behind.
Road to success: road scholar. I do road scholar. I also added in "even" and "odd". Even and odd interstates (assuming you ignore any special cases and such) go E-W and N-S respectively, giving a sort of "grid", like the way a Rook moves. As an officer, I was a rook. I protected myself because I didn't know what would happen if I killed my real account, lmao.
Assassinator wrote: Clue : 9
Target: ESboi123
Correctly protected by: No one
Apologies for the SUPER late post. Shoot, if I had posted on time, I would’ve managed to get the kill, but lindsmaurer is safe.
Time to try something again... and to do it right this time. Also, is anyone else afraid of needles?
I had mentioned needles before in the clue for Arpitr, and I was targeting the correct account for ESboi. This was a simple clue, and sadly no one protected.
Assassinator wrote: Clue: 10
Target: DragonTownEpic
correctly protected by: No one
I'm back! Hopefully for good! And, well, ESboi is unfortunately dead. I'm honestly disappointed. Using protects is helpful... just saying...
Well, learn from that, and solve my next clue.
Have fun!
This clue ended up getting messed up and I only just realized it. I had had hex color codes started with "c" and "a" interspaced with the h and r, but they disappeared since there were only spaces between them. Theoretically had this worked, it would've spelled "char", hinting to charizard, DragonTownEpic's pfp. The colors of "have" and "fun" also (kind of) matched DTE's pfp.
Assassinator wrote: Clue: 11
Target: pb5754[]
Correctly protected by: No one
DragonTownEpic seems to have died... another pawn taken.
Well, I'm hungry, and I'm not jealous of your situation. I decide to eat a sandwich... and plan ahead for my next move.
The "sandwich" was mwant to hint towards "PB&J", and without being jealous, or without "jelly", it would be a "PB"
Assassinator wrote: Clue: 12
Target: DatSciolyBoi
Correctly protected by: No one
A little early, but if I wait my computer may die and/or I may not have internet, and no one is anywhere close to being on the right track. I'll still give you the remaining time to solve the last clue, and I'll make a separate post later if I have internet.
Anyway, I seem to have made a mistake. I'll take the L and try again. I don't think I'm about to lose yet.
Knights move in an L shape. I didn't put anything else in here because I wanted you guys to focus on the sigs, since the game was getting rather long.
Last edited by Assassinator on June 18th, 2019, 1:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Scioly Assassination 137: Checkmate
The sigs, in order, spelled "RLEIRNUDASM" seperate the alternating letters, and you get "RERUAM" and "LINDS". "RERUAM" is "MAURER" backwards.
Solving the sigs.
1. "r" -just an r
2. "Castling on the 5th move" -the 5th letter of "castling" is "L"
3. "EvEryonE can lEarn to win at chEss" -all of the E's are capitalized
4. "mistakes, even on the 2nd move, can kill you" -the second letter of "mistakes" is "I" (that's an "i")
5. "you haven't discoveRed the meaning of these. my signatuRes all fit togetheR, and each means something." -I wanted more focus on the sigs, and the R's were capitalized
6. "The first letter of knight, if you can't spell, is a different letter than the real first letter... hmm." -the phonetic spelling would be with an "N"
7. "Do you a word that is used to refer to the person or people that the speaker is addressing?" -TYPO ALERT *"do you know a word", the the word is "you" or "U"
8. "The previous first is the fourth" -First letter of the last sig: "D". Fourth letter of my name: "D".
9. "1" -The number 1 corresponds to "A"
10. "What does the snake say?" -The snek says "SSSSSSSS" or "S"
11. It was the alphabet with "M" missing...
Anyway those were my sigs, my main ID clue.
Solving the sigs.
1. "r" -just an r
2. "Castling on the 5th move" -the 5th letter of "castling" is "L"
3. "EvEryonE can lEarn to win at chEss" -all of the E's are capitalized
4. "mistakes, even on the 2nd move, can kill you" -the second letter of "mistakes" is "I" (that's an "i")
5. "you haven't discoveRed the meaning of these. my signatuRes all fit togetheR, and each means something." -I wanted more focus on the sigs, and the R's were capitalized
6. "The first letter of knight, if you can't spell, is a different letter than the real first letter... hmm." -the phonetic spelling would be with an "N"
7. "Do you a word that is used to refer to the person or people that the speaker is addressing?" -TYPO ALERT *"do you know a word", the the word is "you" or "U"
8. "The previous first is the fourth" -First letter of the last sig: "D". Fourth letter of my name: "D".
9. "1" -The number 1 corresponds to "A"
10. "What does the snake say?" -The snek says "SSSSSSSS" or "S"
11. It was the alphabet with "M" missing...


Anyway those were my sigs, my main ID clue.
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Re: Scioly Assassination 137: Checkmate
Wait a minute, but I solved that clue and let DatSciolyBoi know, and he or she protected his or herself. Is DatSciolyBoi dead because of the late protect? Because we eventually solved the clue. Within the 2 day extension.Assassinator wrote:Before I start this, I must note that pb5754[] is dead. So is DatSciolyBoi.
Assassinator wrote: Clue: 12
Target: DatSciolyBoi
Correctly protected by: No one
A little early, but if I wait my computer may die and/or I may not have internet, and no one is anywhere close to being on the right track. I'll still give you the remaining time to solve the last clue, and I'll make a separate post later if I have internet.
Anyway, I seem to have made a mistake. I'll take the L and try again. I don't think I'm about to lose yet.
Knights move in an L shape. I didn't put anything else in here because I wanted you guys to focus on the sigs, since the game was getting rather long.
- Assassinator
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Re: Scioly Assassination 137: Checkmate
Shoot, I didn’t see the protect. I’ll fix it.TheCrazyChemist wrote:Wait a minute, but I solved that clue and let DatSciolyBoi know, and he or she protected his or herself. Is DatSciolyBoi dead because of the late protect? Because we eventually solved the clue. Within the 2 day extension.Assassinator wrote:Before I start this, I must note that pb5754[] is dead. So is DatSciolyBoi.
Assassinator wrote: Clue: 12
Target: DatSciolyBoi
Correctly protected by: No one
A little early, but if I wait my computer may die and/or I may not have internet, and no one is anywhere close to being on the right track. I'll still give you the remaining time to solve the last clue, and I'll make a separate post later if I have internet.
Anyway, I seem to have made a mistake. I'll take the L and try again. I don't think I'm about to lose yet.
Knights move in an L shape. I didn't put anything else in here because I wanted you guys to focus on the sigs, since the game was getting rather long.
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Re: Scioly Assassination 137: Checkmate
Good game! That was really fun!
Chaparral Middle School -> Troy High School
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Background in: Wright Stuff, Bottle Rocket, Mission Possible, Wind Power, Experimental Design, Elastic Launched Glider, Fossils, Mystery Architecture
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Re: Scioly Assassination 137: Checkmate
Well written clues, while short still sophisticated and engaging! I wasn’t all that active in this game, but good job lindsmaurer!
Re: Scioly Assassination 137: Checkmate
OMG YESSSS...Assassinator wrote:I’m very disappointed in the effort being shown recently. I know I was late on my first few clues after nats, but now I’ve been active again and just killing is no fun. These clues were meant to be solved.
You have an extra two days. Any officers who doesn’t post will be replaced with whoever I choose, and if there’s still a marked lack of interest I will end the game and CPScienceDude, who alerted me to this issue, will pick the new sassy, since if people still aren’t interested in that time we obviously need a new game.
If you solve both the current clue and the last clue, since I haven’t revealed who should have died from that one yet, I’ll post earlier. These really aren’t impossible, guys. You can do it.
At this point, while ghosts can’t be officers, they are welcome to post as often as they would like to try to resurrect this dead game.
(Formerly Arpitr20)
2019 (regional/state)
Astronomy: 5/12
Chem Lab: 1/1
Dynamic Planet: 2/2
GeoLogic Mapping: 5/5
Circuit Lab: 3/4
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2019 (regional/state)
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Re: Scioly Assassination 137: Checkmate
Nvm.... feels bad lmao I had a susipicion is was Maurer after looking at the sigs but I had already posted....ESBoi123 wrote:OMG YESSSS...Assassinator wrote:I’m very disappointed in the effort being shown recently. I know I was late on my first few clues after nats, but now I’ve been active again and just killing is no fun. These clues were meant to be solved.
You have an extra two days. Any officers who doesn’t post will be replaced with whoever I choose, and if there’s still a marked lack of interest I will end the game and CPScienceDude, who alerted me to this issue, will pick the new sassy, since if people still aren’t interested in that time we obviously need a new game.
If you solve both the current clue and the last clue, since I haven’t revealed who should have died from that one yet, I’ll post earlier. These really aren’t impossible, guys. You can do it.
At this point, while ghosts can’t be officers, they are welcome to post as often as they would like to try to resurrect this dead game.
(Formerly Arpitr20)
2019 (regional/state)
Astronomy: 5/12
Chem Lab: 1/1
Dynamic Planet: 2/2
GeoLogic Mapping: 5/5
Circuit Lab: 3/4
Code Busters: -/8
2019 (regional/state)
Astronomy: 5/12
Chem Lab: 1/1
Dynamic Planet: 2/2
GeoLogic Mapping: 5/5
Circuit Lab: 3/4
Code Busters: -/8
- lindsmaurer
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Re: Scioly Assassination 137: Checkmate
The new sassy has been chosen, by the way. I won’t help with ID clues, but I’ll try to be around helping solve kill clues, if the new sassy will allow. Anyway, look at the sassy’s sig rn. I just noticed it.
Solon HS Captain
Sassy #137
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Sassy #137
1-3 placements: 58
Medals + ribbons: 109
Fossils: X/2/3
Code: 2/1/10
Sounds: 1/2/11
Detector: 1/2/X
Circuits: 8/X/X
Gravity: 7/X/X
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