Cornell Invitational (Division B and C)

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Re: Cornell Invitational (Division B and C)

Post by Name »

megrimlockawesom wrote:
Name wrote:
megrimlockawesom wrote:did they do science quiz bowl again?

I don't know if any of you were there last year but me and my partner literally guessed all the questions during the test part and somehow made it to finals. And when we made it to finals we did not answer any question and we somehow got 3rd.
They ran science quiz bowl, but didn't run finals.
Aw man that sucks. Finals were actually pretty fun. I guess they didn't want the same method we used to be exploited.
I think the reasoning was to get awards started ASAP
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Re: Cornell Invitational (Division B and C)

Post by ET2020 »

Does anyone have the answer to question 25b on the astro test? The key hasn't been published and I think I corrected the mistake I made but have no way to check my new answer.
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Re: Cornell Invitational (Division B and C)

Post by Pettywap »

little late but why not:

Dynamic planet (7th): test was long and pretty challenging on some questions. This test used up a good range of topics and not only had MC and short answer but also had us draw a graph. Thought that the the proctors did a good job of running the event 10/10

Experimental design (3rd): This event was run very late which caused one of my partners to be stressed because he had another event next time slot that had quite the walk from where expd was. We didn't have trouble with their grading as we lost points where we should've. 7/10

Geo Mapping (14th): I would rather not talk about this event after looking at my test. I did really bad in sections but not the proctors' fault. This test wasn't as bad at the time I was taking it but then I got my test back and I'd say it was pretty challenging. The proctors were nice. 9/10

Wright Stuff (19th): Even though the venue was small, venue size is just one of the challenges people in this event have to adjust their planes. I didn't feel it was worth changing any of my plane for this tournament and venue size was not the main problem I had with this event. The fact that they could only check in one team at a time made this process go really slow. For my time slot only 3-4 teams finished when there were 3 more teams outside and waiting. My ws partner had to go to fossils which was the next time slot and we even tried to fit it in by asking them if we could go in at the same time as the team before and set up. Even that wasn't enough since we couldn't check in our plane. 2/10
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Re: Cornell Invitational (Division B and C)

Post by WhoKnows »

sciolyperson1 wrote:Division B Results:
1) Community (140)
2) Gelinas (157)
3) Solon (159)
4) Beckendorff (169)
5) Springhouse (171)
6) Piedmont (211)
7) Bay Academy (242)
8) Shady Side Academy (258)
9) Harlan Rowe (282)
10) Bedford (290)
That is very close bunching up especially from 2-5. It will be great to hear the new state and national predictions based on what happened at Cornell. In my opinion, Community has clearly shown that they are one of the few teams that have a shot at 1st place at the nationals this year.
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Re: Cornell Invitational (Division B and C)

Post by builderguy135 »

WhoKnows wrote:
sciolyperson1 wrote:Division B Results:
1) Community (140)
2) Gelinas (157)
3) Solon (159)
4) Beckendorff (169)
5) Springhouse (171)
6) Piedmont (211)
7) Bay Academy (242)
8) Shady Side Academy (258)
9) Harlan Rowe (282)
10) Bedford (290)
That is very close bunching up especially from 2-5. It will be great to hear the new state and national predictions based on what happened at Cornell. In my opinion, Community has clearly shown that they are one of the few teams that have a shot at 1st place at the nationals this year.
Gelinas, Solon, and Beckendorff would have all easily beat us if they didnt bomb a few events.
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Re: Cornell Invitational (Division B and C)

Post by WhoKnows »

builderguy135 wrote:
WhoKnows wrote:
sciolyperson1 wrote:Division B Results:
1) Community (140)
2) Gelinas (157)
3) Solon (159)
4) Beckendorff (169)
5) Springhouse (171)
6) Piedmont (211)
7) Bay Academy (242)
8) Shady Side Academy (258)
9) Harlan Rowe (282)
10) Bedford (290)
That is very close bunching up especially from 2-5. It will be great to hear the new state and national predictions based on what happened at Cornell. In my opinion, Community has clearly shown that they are one of the few teams that have a shot at 1st place at the nationals this year.
Gelinas, Solon, and Beckendorff would have all easily beat us if they didnt bomb a few events.
Usually something bombs for most teams. It seems you guys have figured out a way to consistently not do that. That’s what makes Community a contender. Just for fun I removed the biggest bomb for each of top 5 teams at Cornell. Here’s what it looks like:

Community: 114
Gelinas: 137
Solon: 138
Springhouse: 142
Beckendorff: 145

It again bunches up from 2-5 with one clear winner.
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Re: Cornell Invitational (Division B and C)

Post by sciolyperson1 »

WhoKnows wrote:
builderguy135 wrote:
WhoKnows wrote:
That is very close bunching up especially from 2-5. It will be great to hear the new state and national predictions based on what happened at Cornell. In my opinion, Community has clearly shown that they are one of the few teams that have a shot at 1st place at the nationals this year.
Gelinas, Solon, and Beckendorff would have all easily beat us if they didnt bomb a few events.
Usually something bombs for most teams. It seems you guys have figured out a way to consistently not do that. That’s what makes Community a contender. Just for fun I removed the biggest bomb for each of top 5 teams at Cornell. Here’s what it looks like:

Community: 114
Gelinas: 137
Solon: 138
Springhouse: 142
Beckendorff: 145

It again bunches up from 2-5 with one clear winner.
Solon and Beckendorff both bombed quite a few builds. However, if you look at 1) their past results, and 2) their B team's builds, they have a lot of room for improvement. Solon B medalled in quite a few builds (random example, 2nd elg).
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Re: Cornell Invitational (Division B and C)

Post by sciencegirl03 »

Rossyspsce wrote:
faker wrote:
shoujolivia wrote:hello friends;
cornell was pretty lit but i would really like a feedback survey for some of it.
expd: this event started late but i kinda understand why. this event slot ended at the same time the next started, so i ran to baker in the snow and that kinda sucked. all in all, not something the committee can necessarily control. however, maybe the times between events didn’t really provide for the actual time taken to travel. also they gave my team 5th but wrote 2nd on their test :\\\\
scitech bowl: i liked this, 10/10. my teammates and i had a great time.
parasitology: i medaled in this, 10/10. i actually studied so hard and i kinda had a mental breakdown but i really enjoyed this event. thanks for the 3rd place!!!!
herpetology: didn’t follow the rules super closely but i think it was a pretty great, creative test otherwise
protein: i know not rly under their control but the computers were kinda tragic and they changed the residues midway through our timeslot. 6/10
wright stuff: alright.... next time please listen to coaches when they voice concerns about the venue. if possible, please check in/do flights simultaneously (like check in outside the flight room) so that they don’t have a giant holdup like what is what happened. 3/10 (can’t believe they got a branch from outside to get that plane down from the ceiling)
awards: i really appreciated that they shouted out nevada even though they said nevada not nevada. i had a great time chatting w/ camas and screaming for everyone HAHA.

clark hs had a great time thanks cornell + all the buds we met!!!!
The room was fine though, only issue was the chairs, but it essentially made it the same height as the SOUP ceiling. I was unhappy about room conditions, but given the fact that it was more realistic to fly in a smaller room in order to keep times lower, therefore allowing for shorter flight periods, making it more realistic to keep the competition on time. The hold up was not the fault of the ESs rather the tournament for holding more 8 or more teams per time slot, with many teams taking close to the full 11 minutes allotted for pre-flight and flight periods. Also, there were some teams, such as yours who were refusing to go until a certain time or team had gone, in your case, you wanted to go last. And the branch is something teams will have to do if they don't have/bring a stick.

Other news, Northville should've been DQed for violating rule 4b, and getting a stick from outside the testing room, during their 8 minutes, and getting down the only plane they checked in. I wouldn't be bothered by this, except for the fact they got first and taking a loss at an invitational and knowing next time to bring all potential tools and parts, would be more beneficial than letting them violate it and then have them do it again at a more important competition such as regionals, states, or nationals.
I mean I competed and saw that happen but it's fine imo, since it is in fact an invitational, and we're here to learn anyway.
I really don't think Northville did anything wrong. It was not their only plane, and the supervisors told them that they could get their plane. It isn't violating any rules since events are supposed to run how the event sups want it. Also, Northville didn't go out and get a stick...another team entered the room and offered theirs. Spirit of good sportsmanship there!!
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Re: Cornell Invitational (Division B and C)

Post by sciencegirl03 »

coachchuckaahs wrote:Sounds like they need better venues at Nationals for both ELG and WS. I would agree the 80' ceiling would be a logistical challenge (time-wise). But having such obstacles (pillars, chairs, tables, uncontrolled doors etc.) does not make this a science event. I hope they are able to locate a small student gym or some such on campus before Nationals! I also hope they provide room dimensions well prior to Nationals. For these events, especially ELG, the height of the room is important to preparation. A high ceiling may even mean a completely different glider design.

I was hoping this invite would be a clear indicator of facilities for Nationals, but now I am hoping not.

Coach Chuck
Totally agree. The room they used at Cornell also has a wooden decorative trim/lights hanging by wires from the ceiling, where planes got stuck. It left a lot to luck. I understand that they were limited on space for the invitational, but I also really hope they find another place for WS at Nationals!
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Re: Cornell Invitational (Division B and C)

Post by starstudent »

This is a bit late, but here are my thoughts on Cornell:

Fossils: There were 2 minutes per station, which was a bit fast, but manageable. The actual specimens were fairly large, which made ID a lot easier. It was run smoothly, and the questions were pretty fair. 9/10.

Chem Lab: I liked that they gave us actual burets for the titration. The multiple choice questions were very well written. The short answer questions were more difficult, but I liked that they were spread out between physical properties and acids and bases. Overall, it was very well balanced. 9/10.

Astro: I split this test with my partner, so I'm not too sure how his portions were difficulty-wise, but they were fairly long. The test covered lots of topics, which showed me where I needed to improve. The ID was pretty straightforward, nothing too obscure. Overall, it was difficult, but a good indicator of what I need to study.
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