The rules stating the topics can be bended a lot, because they are very broad. I think it's best to have as much info as you can in your binder.jxxu20 wrote:Hi all,
This is my first year doing Optics, and I'm not really sure on how the Event Supervisors will be running the event (I have NJ regionals @ UCC in less than 2 weeks). More specifically, I'm wondering -- based on your guys' experience -- how long/hard the tests are for Division B, and the topics that will be assessed. I know that the content assessed should align with the guidelines in the rules packet, but based on my limited experience, some of the material covered in tests are way harder than what I studied for (like some of the tests on the Test Exchange), while some tests are extremely easy. Moreover, how will the Event Supervisors be running the LSS? For example, how much time do we have to make calculations/place our mirrors down? I know that the rules state that "Participants must make all measurements ... within a 4-minute time period.", but in previous years, have Event Supervisors tweaked the time limit/constraints for the LSS setup?
-- jxxu20
Last year, we used 5 mirrors and no barrier mirror. Some ESs (?) might have 2 or 3 LSSs (?) so that they can get through the teams quicker (I think the most I've seen is 3). I've never had ESs change the 4-minute limit, and I highly doubt they would.