Submit an FAQ.Complexity wrote:<SNIP> The event supervisors took out all the coins that left the outer tape. <SNIP>
Opinion, this is judges not reading this years rules, or reading it and thinking something was left out. It wasn't. But the ES rules and if they are consistent hard to overrule.
Best way to get a fix (even if I turn out wrong) is to have an FAQ officially published that everyone can officially refer too and everyone can have consistent expectations.
You (or perhaps better, your coach) may also want to submit an FAQ to your local regional or state contest to get the ES thinking about it before hand and perhaps doing some more research.
Jeff Anderson
Livonia, MI
Side question of grammar pops up as I write this. Is it "an FAQ" or "a FAQ"? I mean its pretty common to say either F. A. Q. all three letters or "fak" one syllable. F is pronounced "ef" so sounds better to my ear to as "an", but admittedly the "e" sound doesn't show up in the written form. Pronounced "fak" clearly sounds better with "a". Tis a puzzlement. Caused me to edit this note 3 times before I just let it go and decided on consistency.