Whoops, realized that I haven't posted anything since my state competition on this forum, sorry!nxtscholar wrote:Lol, our states test for TPS had nothing of the forensic sort one might expect. My partner and I spent weeks studying bullet trajectory, blood splatter, thermodynamics, etc.
Well, we had only lab to do at states...and it dealt with just analyzing momentum and impulse... -___- The scenario was a car collided into a wall at the end of an incline. Based on given information about the driving tendencies of suspects (i.e. how fast they drive), determine which suspect was the scene of the crime.
Ok...so not really that bad (other than the fact we wasted time studying topics that didn't matter in the end), but did I mention two schools per lab station? Which means we had to share probes??? smh.
My states experience was not exactly the best. The two labs the proctor gave us were about the waves in a tube and echoes and pressure of Oxygen after a chemical reaction: neither of them related to forensics, and the second not exactly physics. In addition, the proctor implied that not everyone received the same tests--that some labs may be different from another. Eesh. Ended up not placing in this event, sadly .
I'd really like to thank everyone on this forum for all of the help that they've given during this awesome Science Olympiad season. I'll be back here every now and then to answer any questions that I can.
Thanks for everything guys!