Scioly Achievement List

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Re: Scioly Achievement List

Post by Skink »

ckssv07 wrote:
zyzzyva980 wrote:No century award? Career 100 medals?
What are we considering as "medaling" because most invites I've been to go to top 3, there is one that I've been to that goes to 5. Then there's regionals which for us goes to 4, and states which goes to 5...
Medaling isn't a constant, right. There aren't many constants here, though, really. So, we have to consider context. In other words, opportunity does play a role in this achievement versus, say, cramming the night before an exam, which is very low barrier to entry (and is in complete control of the individual)!
1. Participants who start B in fifth or sixth grade and have the opportunity to do SO until high school graduation have advantage over those with less such opportunities.
2. Participants who have access to JV teams have generally more opportunity to compete and earn medals (and, yes, even top scorers can, in theory, be on JV at some point in their career).
3. Participants living in regions with access to invitationals have an advantage.
4. The event rotation has impact, but the extent of which it does isn't really measurable. I'm supposing that people whose events are perennial have advantages over those whose rotate out because they become experts, especially if they start one on its second or third year cold (like, say, new Fossils folks in the 2017 season).
-Related, folks with a 'hunter' mentality ('I don't want to do the same event every season...') are disadvantaged compared to their 'nester' peers, say, the folks whom love CB/4N6, doing it annually.
5. And, returning to the original point, the medal colors at different tournaments attended matters. One Regional this season medaled to three and ribboned to five. This weekend's medals participants to six. The difference is significant.
Last edited by Skink on March 10th, 2015, 4:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Scioly Achievement List

Post by elephantower »

Yeah I've done several of these (you can see the results in my sig)
For Geomaps, I (or to be honest my partner, I didn't study at all) started studying less than 24 hrs before this year. Of course, we medalled at nats last year... (Clutch)
For It's About Time, we didn't finish it or test it until after we drove up for the competition. (Speedbuild)
For It's About Time, I sketchily reasoned out the (correct) answer to a question, then my partner changed the answer. (Newton-Leibnitz)
For Protein Modelling, we only had one page of notes (instead of the allowed five pages) that provided a conclusive answer to maybe 20% of the questions. (Beat the Curve, Multiple Guess, Blind Stab)
I had the same partner for both Forensics and Protein Modelling and for Geomaps and IAT (O2)
For Protein Modelling, I didn't do a single thing before the competition (but I *did* make up convincing short answer responses :D ) (Parasite)
I wouldn't be surprised if we got the Uncontested Achievement for Geomaps, considering our B team got 2nd and they...strongly dislike Geomaps (and left ~15% blank)
For Geomaps, my partner and I got first both years at states. (Consistency Achievement)
Does desperately trying to order takeout (on my computer) the minute before the build test while running to the event room count for Un-Street Smart? At any rate, I lose basically everything I touch, so...
N/A = didn't compete

Geologic Mapping: 1, 2
Designer Genes: 3, :(
Astronomy: N/A, :(
Geologic Mapping: 1, N/A
Protein Modelling: 1, N/A
It's About Time: 1, N/A
Forensics: 9, N/A
Geologic Mapping: 1, ?
Hydrogeology: 1, ?
It's About Time: 1, ?
Forensics: 10, ?
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Re: Scioly Achievement List

Post by Unome »

Skink wrote:
ckssv07 wrote:
zyzzyva980 wrote:No century award? Career 100 medals?
What are we considering as "medaling" because most invites I've been to go to top 3, there is one that I've been to that goes to 5. Then there's regionals which for us goes to 4, and states which goes to 5...
Medaling isn't a constant, right. There aren't many constants here, though, really. So, we have to consider context. In other words, opportunity does play a role in this achievement versus, say, cramming the night before an exam, which is very low barrier to entry (and is in complete control of the individual)!
1. Participants who start B in fifth or sixth grade and have the opportunity to do SO until high school graduation have advantage over those with less such opportunities.
2. Participants who have access to JV teams have generally more opportunity to compete and earn medals (and, yes, even top scorers can, in theory, be on JV at some point in their career).
3. Participants living in regions with access to invitationals have an advantage.
4. The event rotation has impact, but the extent of which it does isn't really measurable. I'm supposing that people whose events are perennial have advantages over those whose rotate out because they become experts, especially if they start one on its second or third year cold (like, say, new Fossils folks in the 2017 season).
-Related, folks with a 'hunter' mentality ('I don't want to do the same event every season...') are disadvantaged compared to their 'nester' peers, say, the folks whom love CB/4N6, doing it annually.
5. And, returning to the original point, the medal colors at different tournaments attended matters. One Regional this season medaled to three and ribboned to five. This weekend's medals participants to six. The difference is significant.
I've just counted mine based on what was given at the awards ceremony (top 4-6 for me).

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Re: Scioly Achievement List

Post by ckssv07 »

I am still kinda confused but if we are speaking strictly of what each tournament gives out medals for, I am at 56 and I am a sophomore right now ho hasn't had regionals or states yet this year. So I am just estimating that by the end of the year, I will probably have somewhere around 66, so it's not inconceivable that someone reaches 100 as 4 of mine were in two year. If it's more of a placements thing then I do have the Century!!!

Its not as cool as you would think though, it actually puts a lot more pressure on you to perform...
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Re: Scioly Achievement List

Post by yterber »

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Re: Scioly Achievement List

Post by aditi »

Second year of SO in 8th grade...Have...
SPEED REDO ACHIEVEMENT: Accidentally skip a question/station on your answer sheet, so you end up having to redo everything after it
Bonus points if you medaled; extra bonus points if you got gold!

BEAT THE CURVE ACHIEVEMENT: Know that you did horribly in an event, but still medal, probably because no one else knew what they were doing either
MULTIPLE GUESS ACHIEVEMENT: Completely guess an answer for a multiple choice/matching question and be right

O2 ACHIEVEMENT: Win 2 events with the same partner

PARASITE ACHIEVEMENT: Win an event as the completely useless partner
USELESS CALCULATOR ACHIEVEMENT: Get a calculator at around the day of the event and realize you don't need it
UNCONTESTED ACHIEVEMENT: Beat the 2nd place team by a ridiculous margin
RAGE ACHIEVEMENT: Actually get first in an event (raw score) but don't get the medal because graders screwed up

UN-STREET SMART ACHIEVEMENT: Get lost on the way to competition/at competition site when trying to find your rooms
BEST STOIC AWARD: Get 1st and don't bother clapping/cheering
ANTI-STOIC AWARD: Get 1st and clap/cheer excessively

NATIONAL RELATIONS ACHIEVEMENT: Make a new friend at nationals

POPULARITY AWARD: Go to more than one invitational in one year
DEDICATED ENGINEER AWARD: Do only building events where you build something meant to take weight (Boomilever, Bridge Building, Scrambler, etc.)

GETS THE WORM AWARD: ...and get 1st

SLAY ACHIEVEMENT: Finish first in all events
FREELOADER ACHIEVEMENT: Get close to last and still have your school win the competition. (SEE PARASITE)
SCRIPPS ACHIEVEMENT: Spell your name/school wrong
WORD HARD-PLAY HARD: Stay up all night before your competition and then get first in an event

DONOR AWARD: Let someone borrow your stuff (folder, pencil, calculator, etc.)
GENEROUS DONOR AWARD: Let someone "borrow" your stuff
GENEROUS DONOR TO SCHOOLS AWARD: Lose stuff at the competition

ABSOLUTE ZERO SHOULDER ACHIEVEMENT: Become enemies with your partner
EXTREME ANTI-STOIC AWARD (PLATO AWARD): Support anyone on your team who medaled, regardless what they placed

Ahahaha, this stuff makes me laugh. :D :P :lol:
It's been scientifically proven that people who have more birthdays live longer... ;)
Scientists say that the world is made of protons, neutrons and electrons. They forgot to mention morons. :lol:


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Re: Scioly Achievement List

Post by Schrodingerscat »

I decided to count my own: For C, 88 1st-3rd and 15 4th-5th, and for B, my records are almost non-existent, but I got 2 1st-3rd at state and at least several more invites and regionals. So I suppose I could claim to qualify. Of course, I very much recognize how uncomparable medal counts really are outside of limited circumstances; I'd probably rank a few medals in an extremely competitive tournament over all of my own.
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Re: Scioly Achievement List

Post by samlan16 »

Skink wrote:
ckssv07 wrote:
zyzzyva980 wrote:No century award? Career 100 medals?
What are we considering as "medaling" because most invites I've been to go to top 3, there is one that I've been to that goes to 5. Then there's regionals which for us goes to 4, and states which goes to 5...
Medaling isn't a constant, right.
5. And, returning to the original point, the medal colors at different tournaments attended matters. One Regional this season medaled to three and ribboned to five. This weekend's medals participants to six. The difference is significant.
I consider medaling any physical awards received. Maybe my count should be higher, I don't know.
Old fart who sort of did things sort of for some schools.
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Re: Scioly Achievement List

Post by samlan16 »

GETS THE WORM AWARD: ...and get 1st

Happened all too often in WIDI when I did it.
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Re: Scioly Achievement List

Post by varunscs11 »

SPEEDWRITE ACHIEVEMENT: Triple E at State last year we finished each 3 minute station with 2 minutes or more to remain and we got 1st
GUESTIMATION ACHIEVEMENT: All my boomilevers were guestimated and I medaled with half of them

BEAT THE CURVE ACHIEVEMENT: Thought I did really bad in Dynamic Planet at Wright State this year because they gave us 3 minutes to do a lot of tasks. My partner and I came out and were like "crying". We got 5th.
BS ACHIEVEMENT: On rocks and minerals, the tie-braker was "why is quartz used in watches" and I had 0 clue because it was my first time doing rocks and minerals and I didn't study like crazy. I made up some BS and got it right. I placed 3rd at State and this coincided with the proctor arriving 30 min late.

HOST ACHIEVEMENT: Done this a lot. Not going to name names
PARASITE ACHIEVEMENT: Done this for the first time this year. Cell Biology at MIT (completely useless I was) and we (more like my partner) got 5th.
STUDY EVENT PARASITISM ACHIEVEMENT: Crime Busters, 6th grade used someone's cheat sheet who got 1st at Nationals

UNCONTESTED ACHIEVEMENT: This mostly happens at regionals (Rocks, Triple E, Dynamic...Huge Huge margin)
'MURICA ACHIEVEMENT: State last year, Cyfalls this year
CONSISTENCY ACHIEVEMENT: I got 4th every single time I did Crime Busters, then I broke the streak and got 2nd twice and 3rd once. Also in Fossils this year, I've gotten 1/2 every single time
UN-STREET SMART ACHIEVEMENT: Happened at Wright State this year

ANTI-AYUMU ACHIEVEMENT: Never read textbooks
ANTI-AESTHETICS ACHIEVEMENT: My Rotor Egg Drop that one time I did it
Liberal Arts and Science Academy 2015-2017
University of Pennsylvania 2021
MIT Rocks and Minerals 2018, Fossils 2019

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