benk wrote:/
benk wrote:How do you feel about redisturbution of wealth?
How do you feel about avg. Every students gpa so every one has the same.
If you answers are not the same is because u are at the top of you class, and you are in collage debt( since your division is grad)
Answer that Deeisenberg[/quote]
I answered that already; you seem to have ignored my explanation, so I will give another reason why the comparison is moot.
You are not taking into account finite resources: the amount of money held in the United States is finite; while the amount in gpa could potentially be infinite.
I will explain it another way: if you were to want a apple, and you wanted to buy it from a company, you would exchange money for it. The net change in value for each party is zero. However, since we are dealing with money, and not goods, you have a net decrease in worth and the company/store has a net increase in worth. With every trade of such, stock, clothing, food, etc, the buyer has a net decrease in wealth, and the seller has a net increase. Assuming that everyone were to keep buying food, then eventually the buyer would go bankrupt, and all the money would go to the rich. The buyer then makes the money back by being the employee to a company that sells apples, and in giving the company labor, gets money. It is the reverse of what is described above.
My point is, is that as one side of a transaction gains money, the other side loses money. There is pretty much no way for both sides to go up. In this case, if one side of the equation is getting too much money, then some mild redistribution of wealth is necessary; it is called taxes. The government takes some money from the party selling, and gives the money to the party buying, in the form of social safety programs.
By contrast, in the world of gpa, there is no equal sign. It is possible for all students to have a 4.0 gpa, or a 0.0. There is no requirement that says that there needs to be a total sum to all the students in a school. If my gpa goes up, it does not mean someone else's gpa goes down; it means my gpa goes up. Since my gpa increase does not intrinsically hurt anyone, no redistribution of wealth is necessary.
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