Duh.zyzzyva98 wrote:Assassinator, you have given us two kill clues this time around. This gives you an unfair advantage as we must solve two clues in the same amount of time. To fix this, I recommend either A) Allowing protects to count for both clues even if it was intended for one, B) Double the amount of time we have to solve the clues, and/or C) Double the number of accusations we can send in (accuse two people).
We are already fairly far into the clue solving, so it should already be apparent that you are getting twice as long to solve it. As for the protects, unless we say different, assume that if two kill/identity clues are posted at the same, you will be able to submit two protects/accusations per round. You will not be able to double accusations, but you can make more protects, if you so desire. We are not power hungry enough to limit one protect per person when two clues are given. Continue to send in votes if you haven't.